
Chairman's Message

The modern era a lot "of features and important features of the art of construction based on the contractor business, and the observer of this art during the last hundred years will find sophisticated" tremendous "which is directly proportional" with the enormous development in the world of machines,

Which contributed to the modernization and automation the contraction industry, was credited with?the largest in the emergence of skyscrapers, towers, and tunnels that are linking the continents together, as is the case between Asia and Africa as well as between the States together,

As is the case between France and England, all those miracles were based on scientific and engineering inaccurate.

Also starting of computer scientist in the last thirty year has the effect of stunning?in this world, making it more accurate and gave it a touch of art and beauty and control of all its components, both in terms of engineering, administrative, making successful companies based on this work forward and develop the lowest possible cost to provide the latest technology for the establishment of their organization. 

As well as contribute to the provision of expertise?integrated both in terms of legal, engineering, business and individuals wishing to set up their projects/companies, so when you plan to choose a company to implement the enterprise to make sure the extent of their competencies to ensure their accuracy/loyalty.

EVENTS / NEWS الأحداث / الأخبار

قامت شركة الصولجان والتزاما منها برسالة الشركة التي تدور حول المنازل وتطويرها بتقنيات حديثة وعالية الجودة بندوة تثقيفية لطلبة مدرسة الشفاء بنت عوف المرحلة المتوسطة الصف الثامن حول مدى أهمية التصميم وأثره في عملية التكلفة والوقت والجودة وهي العناصر الاساسية التي تسعى الشركة الالتزام بها لتقديم الخدمة الافضل والتطور نحو البيوت الذكية والصديقة للبيئة.وقد قام الدكتور ياسر فاروق بشرح مفصل للطلبة وبعدها استمع لأسئلتهم المطروحة واأفكارهم