
    Over the years, we successfully managed to maintain a substantial foothold in the Kuwaiti market, with strong ties and powerful alliances with major world players in the
    various business disciplines, we as well represent companies including their systems and its various activities.

    Our range of services covers an integrated set of business areas, including, but are not limited to: Business, finance and investment consulting, infrastructure consulting,
    architecture and interior, petroleum, petrochemical, energy and power, ITC, medical turnkey projects, education and training.

    Rooted in Kuwait, the majority of our operations take place abroad, with a special focus on communities where a great deal of development is required.
    Our worldwide reach reflects our strong partnerships with major global entities that operate in vital components of world economy.


    The company since 1976 attempted to undertake the business activities in the field of import and export around the world, we study the market needs and analyze
    its financial, marketing and other related needs.

    Our trade included a variety of products ranging from construction materials, foodstuff, industrial equipment and transportation, to petrochemical.

    We seek to deal with all new in order to provide the highest levels of quality and guarantee the lowest prices through our business around the world, Germany, China
    and Moscow. We aspire a high rank among the world's leading companies in the field of import and export.

Vision & Mission

We believe that by re-entering the marketplace first and by establishing quality facilities, it will become, and remain, a leader in the construction, building, & project management industry in Kuwait...

EVENTS / NEWS الأحداث / الأخبار

قامت شركة الصولجان والتزاما منها برسالة الشركة التي تدور حول المنازل وتطويرها بتقنيات حديثة وعالية الجودة بندوة تثقيفية لطلبة مدرسة الشفاء بنت عوف المرحلة المتوسطة الصف الثامن حول مدى أهمية التصميم وأثره في عملية التكلفة والوقت والجودة وهي العناصر الاساسية التي تسعى الشركة الالتزام بها لتقديم الخدمة الافضل والتطور نحو البيوت الذكية والصديقة للبيئة.وقد قام الدكتور ياسر فاروق بشرح مفصل للطلبة وبعدها استمع لأسئلتهم المطروحة واأفكارهم